TDM 40200

All of the projects are in a Jupyter notebook and contain the instructions and links to materials needed to be successful for that project. Each week we will release a folder that contains the notebook (as well as supplementary data or images). The general process to retrieve and work on each project is:

  1. Make a Seminar directory and get the fetch_projects_40200 notebook (Do This Once)

  2. Use the fetch_projects Notebook to Retrieve Project Each Week

  3. Finish the Project

  4. Submit to Gradescope

0. Make a Seminar directory and get the Fetch Project notebook (Do This Once)

Run the following in a terminal on Anvil:

mkdir $HOME/seminar/tdm_40200/
cp /anvil/projects/tdm/seminar/tdm_40200/fetch_projects_40200.ipynb $HOME/seminar/

1. Use the fetch_projects_40200 Notebook to Retrieve Project Each Week

Each week you can open this notebook, go to the corresponding week, and run the bash command to retrieve the notebook.

2. Finish the Project

Once fetched, the project will appear in your home directory (in the seminar folder).

3. Submit to Gradescope

Go to Gradescope and submit the code like usual (see